Welcome to the Henry School District! 9th-grade students interviewed the school staff and created the slide presented below. Thank you for supporting our efforts to make Henry School District an exceptional place for learning and growth. This week's staff member is.....

Rally the troops and let's support Coop! On Wednesday, the 12th, wear camo and blue to show your support for Cooper! You may also wear a hat for $1 on Wednesday. All money raised will go directly to the family to help with expenses.

Congratulations to the winners of our Local Science Fair! Great job to everyone who presented today, and thank you to everyone who came out to support our students who have worked very hard these last several weeks to prepare.

Join us in celebrating our students' hard work and achievements at the Science Fair!

This week, we are celebrating our very own Mrs. Hauck.
February 3rd-7th is National School Counselors Week, and we are so VERY thankful for ours.
Mrs. Hauck is consistently going above and beyond for our students and is such a vital asset to our school.
Our elementary students had fun writing all the reasons they love Mrs. Hauck.

8th Grade Students and Parents, there will be a transitional meeting for high school on February 20th at 6 pm in the study hall room. This is also during the same night as Parent Teacher's Conferences. Please plan according since Conferences are done at 7pm. See the attached flyer for more information on the content of this meeting.

Welcome to the Henry School District! 9th-grade students interviewed the school staff and created the slide presented below. Thank you for supporting our efforts to make Henry School District an exceptional place for learning and growth. This week's staff member is.....

ACT District Test has been scheduled for March 11th at 8 am here at the gym. It will be $53.25 per student. This will be online and it will not having the writing proportion with it.
The ACT is designed for Juniors but ambitious sophomores can take this. Also a senior that wants to increase their score can take this as well. The ACT is an entrance exam for colleges.
Please sign up by the end of Thursday January 30th if you plan to take it at the Henry School with Mrs. Hauck.
You can sign up to take this at the link below. You will not pay Gail until March.

Senior Tech Day February 5th. Students have really enjoyed this event in the past.

Join us in celebrating our students' hard work and achievements at the Science Fair!

SENIORS some big Scholarship Deadlines to keep in mind:
Codington Clark Electric Cooperative- 2/14/25
Reliabank- 2/15/25
Ty Eschenbaum Foundation- 2/15/25
Edward Schwab Memorial Foundation- Need to review with Mrs. Hauck by 2/24/25. Needs to be post marked by March 1st, 2025
Evie Kahnke Memorial Scholarship- 2/28/25
ITC- Give to Mrs. Hauck by February 28th, 2025 at least one Henry Student will receive.
Dacotah Bank- 3/3/25
Watertown Area Community Foundation Scholarships - due on 3/4/25.
Scholarships are updated as they come in, on this link below. It also can be found on the school website. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1seUju1gxCLz3_B6kYc-81M8YVakz3CMV4hw7URwic4I/edit?gid=0#gid=0

❣️❣️Valentine's Day Candy Grams!❣️❣️
The elementary student council will be selling candy grams for $1 starting next week.
Please help support our elementary student council and spread some smiles this Valentine's Day!

Financial Aid Saturday at LATC. Come to this event and they will help you fill out your FASFA. This event is open to all students (not just those who intend to come to LATC), but an appointment is required. There is a link on the flyer and it is also on our website.
The most important part is that students and families have their FSA ID’s set up at www.studentaid.gov at least 5 days prior to their appointment as it takes 3-5 days for the IRS to verify their identity.

Welcome to the Henry School District! 9th-grade students interviewed the school staff and created the slide presented below. Thank you for supporting our efforts to make Henry School District an exceptional place for learning and growth. This week's staff member is.....

Pre-schoolers made sensory bottles today with some awesome 8th graders!!

Yesterday these four kids (Charly Rossow, Peyton Clyde, Gannon Mohr, and Sophia Thompson) went and represented our school so well at region one act play in Watertown. Even though we aren't moving onto state we couldn't be prouder of these kids. One senior and three 7th graders (their first ever competition).
Gannon also received a medal for outstanding performer by all 3 judges!
Not pictured Maddy Kittleson who did lights for us!

Feeding SD in Watertown on Monday January 27th.

Due to having a late school start, the NCRC that was scheduled for Juniors to take today has been rescheduled for February 11th at 8am.

Fun from Kid's Heart Challenge

Welcome to the Henry School District! 9th-grade students interviewed the school staff and created the slide presented below. Thank you for supporting our efforts to make Henry School District an exceptional place for learning and growth. This week's staff member is.....